Jesus Martinez (22)

Using one word, what comes to mind when you hear “Little Village”?

Childhood in Little Village
He has lived in 4 different houses since he was born here in Little Village
Summer school in Joseph E. Gary Elementary School.
Long term friendships with kids from kindergarten and first grade that carry on into high school and even now out of school and into college.
Walking home alone from school or anywhere else with the knowledge that he might get jumped.
Block party on Springfield, celebrating as a neighborhood, that feeling of togetherness, sharing food with different people on the block

Young Adult
Summers after freshman year consisted of working with his dad and then summer of senior year.
straight into college classes after graduating high school.
“Suffocated myself with education.” 
“Never got a break from school.”

All of his jobs were outside of Little Village, up north. 
Moved houses for the fourth time and had to change jobs again.
In touch with one close friend from the neighborhood up to now.

Change in Little Village?
The community has to actually come together and not only talk about coming together.
Progress in coming together between brown and black people.
Stop the violence and stop being so comfortable with it as a community.
