Natalie Valdez (23)

Using one word, what comes to mind when you hear “Little Village”?

Childhood in Little Village
Growing up with an Irish-Mexican identity on the same block on 32nd and Kedvale her whole life
Got to learn a lot about her culture, didn't know Spanish but picked it up living here, going to school here and talking to people in the neighborhood.
Childhood was mostly calm, there were gangs but not how it is now
Childhood memories were always peaceful in the area she lived in
Remembers her mom taking her to Piotrowski Park all the time and buying her elotes, paletas, etc. 
“Feeling at home where I wasn’t judged or nothing.”
You're able to find everything here in Little Village without venturing so far out.

Young Adult
Gang violence has gotten bad, it started with gangs and now they're just shooting anyone, like the little girl and the nurse they killed.
There was some gang rivalry in the high school mostly between African Americans that lived on the other side of the neighborhood in North Lawndale and the Latinos here in South Lawndale.

It's been good living here, I'm not afraid of taking my daughter out and I want her to see where I grew up and where she's being raised too.
“It's convenient living here, people are nice, I don't ever want to feel like I'm in a place where I'm not wanted.”
In no rush to leave the neighborhood, who knows it might get better. 
Seeing a lot more white people mostly in the thrift store on 26th street (Village Discount) and thinking “gentrification” right away.
Still keep in touch with 3 or 4 friends from Little Village.

Changes in Little Village?
Changes in the park, more updated and more accessible to handicapped children.
More businesses remaining open, more support.
